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  • Writer's pictureTotem Tea Shop UK

Our need for rituals…

Start your tea ritual and find your oasis of peace today.

Let’s face it, we all need a breather now and then. But in our busy, schedule driven modern lives taking even a few minutes for yourself can feel over-indulgent. There is always this nagging feeling that you ought to do something else first or that you should tick all the items on your do-list before making time for yourself.

As you would guess, this is actually counterproductive and long term can lead to serious emotional and health problems.


The last decades have brought to us a freedom of choice previously unseen. But in choosing to get on with our lives the way we want, are we struggling to retain the sense of routine and rituals which used to cement our day to day?

For many the Sunday mass wasn’t just about religion but also a weekly engagement with their community. When around-the-clock food delivery and online grocery shop weren’t available, the weekly food market was something to celebrate and to look forward to. Although this seems counter-intuitive, regularly freeing a few minutes of your time either to chat with a friend, help a neighbour or to relax on your own can in fact make you more focused and productive.


There are a great many steps in producing the tea in your cup, yet how many times have you gulped down a cuppa without paying any attention to this process?

Preparing your tea from scratch, using whole leaves and a tea pot could be the easiest way to start a daily soothing routine. You can share it with a friend or enjoy it in peace and quiet, whichever way suits you as long as you carpe diem it!


1.Invite a friend, switch off the phone and fluff up your favourite cushion

2.Boil the kettle to the appropriate temperature

3.First fill up your tea pot and your mug(s) with half of the warm water and wait few minutes

4.Fill your filter with the appropriate amount of tea, take a few seconds to enjoy its scent, texture and colours

5.Empty your tea pot and cup(s)

6.Brew the tea with the remaining water (brewing time can be found on our packaging)

7. It is tea time! Now, you can enjoy your warm organic, ethical and flavoursome nectar. Don’t let thoughts or stress distract you, your first objective is to unwind and take a breather.

8.When you are done, get on with whatever you were doing before starting your tea ritual, feeling refreshed and full of zest!

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